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You must, repeat, must, have a life jacket on. People do fall out of rafts, frequently.
You can wear normal sneakers but you will most likely ruin them, and that just
wouldn't make for a good trip. Be safe and prepared and you will have a
ball.Sydney Garrison is an avid cyclist and sports enthusiast. Along those same lines, a helmet
is a requirement as well. This sport is one of the most exciting and challenging
things that you can do in life. There are a few things that you should
know before heading out on the river though. This package will include most of your
supplies and frequently includes a sandwich lunch that you will bring with you in your
raft. You are surrounded by rocks and could be knocked unconscious if you fall out
of the raft. And no one wants to hear you Nike Tn complain the entire time that
you are tired or in pain.When you sign up for a white water rafting trip,
they will generally offer you a package. If you have never tried white water rafting,
now is definitely the time. No matter how good a swimmer you are and how
sure you are that you plan to stay in the raft, a life jacket is
non negotiable. Keep in mind that you will get wet! No matter how careful you
are to avoid water, it is going to happen. This will ensure that as you
travel along rocky outposts in the water, your feet are banging up against rocks, not
your head. This will protect your head in case of an accident.Lastly, you should remember
that accidents can happen. Sometimes that water is extremely cold, you will be much happier
if you have a wet requin tn suit to protect you. You will need to be prepared
for the physical requirements of the sport, be prepared and know how to stay safe.White
water rafting puts extreme stress on your upper body muscles, specifically your arms and back.
In order to protect yourself you need to know what to do when this happens.
Water shoes are another great addition to protect your feet. Very important. Your team members
will locate you as soon as possible and drag you back in to the raft
grabbing you under your arms. You will (or should be) sitting the entire time so
your arms will do the majority of the work by paddling and propelling your raft
forward or around turns. Once you fall out, make sure that your feet are pointing
down stream, not your head.. You may opt to rent a wet suit (either full
or half varieties) and water shoes for your excursion. A life jacket will make sure
that you stay afloat. If you are going rafting for the first time, you may
want to do some weights in the weeks before your trip is planned. I highly
recommend a full wet suit if you have never been rafting before. You will be
working as a team with the other people in your raft, you do not want
to be the weakest link. You also don't want to find out about a health
problem while you are on the river as it would be difficult to get medical
attention mid trip. If you have any health problems that may prevent you from doing
this, you should check with a doctor to see if you can handle the strenuous
workout. She is also a partner in an online bike rack store..
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